Wednesday 25 September 2019

Holes By Louis Sachar

Holes By Louis Sachar

Buongiorno! (Good Day) Today I am going to be telling you about my Holes activities and also about what Holes is. Holes is one of the best books I've ever read! It's mainly about this camp for bad kids, it's named "Camp Green Lake".

It started off with this kid name Stanley Yelnats. Stanley was peacefully walking underneath a bridge and just as he walked out from under the bridge a pair of white shoes with red crosses on them fell from the sky, when they dropped down they landed on top of Stanley's head causing him to fall over. When he got up he ran off with them not knowing they belong to a famous person. The police found him and sent him to court. In court he was either sent to jail or Camp Green Lake. He chose Camp Green Lake because he has never been to camp before, so the judge slammed his wooden hammer against his wooden desk thingy and sentenced Stanley Yelnats to Camp Green Lake for 18 months.

 My favourite character from Holes is Kissin' Kate Barlow. I like her because she is a savage! Here's my explanation of my shovel.

                                                               This is my shovel! 
                                                 Arrivederci! (Goodbye in Italian)